Welcome to The Friendly Battlewagon! If you are interested in having some Orky Konversions built primarily out of Games Workshop kits to use in any event, you've come to the right place. Peruse the "Shop" section to the right and, if you're interested or have questions, please send me an email at friendlybattlewagon@gmail.com. Thanks!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Basic Battlewagon Build

This build takes a Battlewagon kit and combines it with other Ork bitz to create a monstrosity of epic proportions.  Any additional bitz should be provided by the customer.  In the example above, a Deffkopta and a Trukk also died to make this Battlewagon.

Although kustomized models are sometimes a bit more fragile than those built to the instructions, care will be taken to add pins and other reinforcement where appropriate.

I do accept direction on what the basic vision of the Battlewagon will be, but, in the end, you will be somewhat at the whim of the artist.

Price:  $40 plus shipping, models, and bitz

I will add any bitz that you send me and wish me to use, including a Deffrolla or more dakka.  Note that I do have a 25% off retailer in my area, so at least for the time being, the costs of any models used in the process can be supplied with a 25% discount plus local sales tax.

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